Αμερικανός επιστήμονας προειδοποιεί: Η υπερκατανάλωση συμπληρωμάτων διατροφής προκαλεί καρκίνο

Αμερικανός επιστήμονας προειδοποιεί: Η υπερκατανάλωση συμπληρωμάτων διατροφής προκαλεί καρκίνο
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the best medicated friend epSos.de and it can be used for free, if you link epSos.de as the original author of the image.In the clean Germany there is a medical problem with drugs and pharmaceutical pills that are red. Their color indicates that they have a strong effect on health. The vitamins or simple medicine for health treatments of the public healthcare are usually white or yellow. The red pills from the pharmacy can create and addiction to medicare or antibiotics, because they create a strong dependence to them. The reasons are complex, the results are the same. You end up buying more pills.The people who believe in homeopathy with diluted substances of the medline science that you can read about online, believe that the best medicine is the free medicine. It is a beautiful thought that leads to abuse of people who try to find alternative homeopathic solutions for the remedy of their illness.Drug abuse is another problem in Germany. Healthy people who need their medicine are not profitable for the healthcare industry. So the pills are designed to be less effective, so that the patients need to buy them for their entire life.The naturopathic supplements are an alternative to pills, because they contain natural substances and often vitamins of natural origin. Those herbal tablets are often used for treatments of digestion or pain even. The natural medicine pills are usually green or deep green in color.The major producers of artificial tablets are Pfizer, Bayer and Merck. The wish of epSos.de is simple, those big companies must give the people an alternative and produce pills that contain plants and plants only.The medicine is the apprenticeship of the prevention, recognition and treatment of illnesses and injuries with people and animals. Besides, the scientific medicine helps itself of the bases which have compiled physics, chemistry, biology and psychology.The medicine is a practically oriented experience science. The Ayurveda medicine of India also became about 500 B.C. from the older, defined magic theistischen to religious contents.New medicaments are developed in the pharmaceutical research where new medicament materials are identified and experimental medicaments are checked in lab tests and clinical studies. Medicaments are mostly no pure materials, but preparations of medicament materials with auxiliary materials. The most current medicament form is the tablet.Medicaments work not only in the treated organism. From some medicaments remains in food or the environment pose a problem which attracts increasingly attention. Medicaments are used since millenniums.Herbal medicament drugs and some other materials were already common in the antiquity. The development of medicaments on scientific basis began in the 19th century and found in the 20th century of impetus.The pill is a medicament form mostly provided with cover in ball shape to the oral taking. Because the used auxiliary materials can easily become a fertile soil for bacteria and the production manner is unsanitary, the pills are obsolete. Also the emission of the active substance can be predicted only hard, because the pills postharden. For these reasons the pills from the chemist's shop practise have totally disappeared and been edged out by tablets and capsules.Thank you for sharing this picture with your friends !" data-caption="Free picture of medical drugs and pills that are legal from the pharmacy health shop of medicine. This medicinal photo of tablets was created for you by the best medicated friend epSos.de and it can be used for free, if you link epSos.de as the original author of the image.In the clean Germany there is a medical problem with drugs and pharmaceutical pills that are red. Their color indicates that they have a strong effect on health. The vitamins or simple medicine for health treatments of the public healthcare are usually white or yellow. The red pills from the pharmacy can create and addiction to medicare or antibiotics, because they create a strong dependence to them. The reasons are complex, the results are the same. You end up buying more pills.The people who believe in homeopathy with diluted substances of the medline science that you can read about online, believe that the best medicine is the free medicine. It is a beautiful thought that leads to abuse of people who try to find alternative homeopathic solutions for the remedy of their illness.Drug abuse is another problem in Germany. Healthy people who need their medicine are not profitable for the healthcare industry. So the pills are designed to be less effective, so that the patients need to buy them for their entire life.The naturopathic supplements are an alternative to pills, because they contain natural substances and often vitamins of natural origin. Those herbal tablets are often used for treatments of digestion or pain even. The natural medicine pills are usually green or deep green in color.The major producers of artificial tablets are Pfizer, Bayer and Merck. The wish of epSos.de is simple, those big companies must give the people an alternative and produce pills that contain plants and plants only.The medicine is the apprenticeship of the prevention, recognition and treatment of illnesses and injuries with people and animals. Besides, the scientific medicine helps itself of the bases which have compiled physics, chemistry, biology and psychology.The medicine is a practically oriented experience science. The Ayurveda medicine of India also became about 500 B.C. from the older, defined magic theistischen to religious contents.New medicaments are developed in the pharmaceutical research where new medicament materials are identified and experimental medicaments are checked in lab tests and clinical studies. Medicaments are mostly no pure materials, but preparations of medicament materials with auxiliary materials. The most current medicament form is the tablet.Medicaments work not only in the treated organism. From some medicaments remains in food or the environment pose a problem which attracts increasingly attention. Medicaments are used since millenniums.Herbal medicament drugs and some other materials were already common in the antiquity. The development of medicaments on scientific basis began in the 19th century and found in the 20th century of impetus.The pill is a medicament form mostly provided with cover in ball shape to the oral taking. Because the used auxiliary materials can easily become a fertile soil for bacteria and the production manner is unsanitary, the pills are obsolete. Also the emission of the active substance can be predicted only hard, because the pills postharden. For these reasons the pills from the chemist's shop practise have totally disappeared and been edged out by tablets and capsules.Thank you for sharing this picture with your friends !" data-credit="epSos.de/Flickr">

Σύμφωνα με νέα σημαντική έρευνα, η υπερκατανάλωση βιταμινών βλάπτει την υγεία και αυξάνει τις πιθανότητες να εμφανιστεί καρκίνος. Ο δόκτωρ Τιμ Μπάιερς. Ένας από τους σημαντικότερους ειδικούς στο θέμα του καρκίνου, εξέτασε έρευνες 30 ετών και κατέληξε πως το να υπερβεί κάποιος την ημερήσια δόση των συμπληρωμάτων είναι αρκετά επικίνδυνο.

«Δεν ξέρουμε τι συμβαίνει, όμως αποδεικνύεται πως εκείνοι που παίρνουν περισσότερα συμπληρώματα διατροφής από όσο πρέπει, τείνουν να έχουν περισσότερες πιθανότητες να εμφανίσουν καρκίνο», είπε ο Μπάιερς.

Ο ίδιος εξήγησε πως όταν αρχικά τα συμπληρώματα δοκιμάστηκαν πειραματικά σε ζώα, η επιστημονική κοινότητα θεώρησε πως επρόκειτο για μια πολλά υποσχόμενη ανακάλυψη. Με την πάροδο του χρόνου τα συμπληρώματα έγιναν διαθέσιμα στην αγορά και υπήρξε παρακολούθηση χιλιάδων ατόμων που τα έπαιρναν για μια δεκαετία.

«Βρήκαμε πως τα συμπληρώματα στην πραγματικότητα δεν έκαναν καλό στην υγεία τους. Στην πραγματικότητα οι άνθρωποι ανέπτυξαν περισσότερο καρκίνο ενώ έπαιρναν βιταμίνες», αναφέρει ο γιατρός.

Τα συμπληρώματα φολικού οξέως είναι διαδεδομένα ανάμεσα στις εγκύους, καθώς μειώνουν τις πιθανότητες να αναπτυχθούν γενετικές ανωμαλίες στα έμβρυα. Ακόμα, θεωρείται πως μειώνει τις πιθανότητες να εμφανιστούν καρδιακά προβλήματα και πολύποδες στο έντερο. Η έρευνα όμως βρήκε πως το φολικό οξύ σε μορφή συμπληρώματος αυξάνει τον αριθμό των επικίνδυνων πολυπόδων και την εμφάνιση καρκίνου κατά 56%.

Ακόμα, δύο δοκιμές σε συμπληρώματα β-καροτίνης έδειξαν πως η υπερκατανάλωσή τους αυξάνει το κίνδυνο ανάπτυξης καρκίνου του πνεύμονα και καρδιακών προβλημάτων κατά 20%. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο, μια μεγάλη δόση βιταμίνης Ε αυξάνει τις πιθανότητες καρκίνου του προστάτη κατά 17%.

Ο δόκτωρ Μπάιερς, υποδιευθυντής στο Αντικαρκινικό Κέντρο του Κολοράντο, ξεκίνησε την έρευνά του όταν πριν δύο δεκαετίες αποδείχτηκε ότι το να τρως πολλά φρούτα και λαχανικά μειώνει τις πιθανότητες εμφάνισης καρκίνου και ο ίδιος ήθελε να δει αν ισχύει το ίδιο και με τα συμπληρώματα βιταμινών. Η έρευνα όμως που ξεκίνησε από την δεκαετία του 1980 έδειξε το ακριβώς αντίθετο.

«Αυτό δεν σημαίνει πως οι άνθρωποι πρέπει να φοβούνται να πάρουν βιταμίνες. Αν καταναλωθούν στις σωστές δόσεις οι πολυβιταμίνες μπορεί να κάνουν καλό. Όμως δεν υπάρχει υποκατάστατο για το καλό φαγητό» εξηγεί ο Μπάιερς.

Πηγή: Daily Mirror